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Care & Maintenance for an Aluminium Ute Canopy

Show Your Ute Canopy Some Love

So you have just splashed out for your rig and got yourself a brand new aluminium ute canopy. You have dropped all that cash to get the optional extras and maybe even gone ahead and got the bad-boy powder coated. You arrive home and after thirty minutes of drooling at your new beast in the driveway you have a thought. How do I make sure this beauty stays as it is? You know you are gonna have to load it up with tools, slog it around the worksite and take it deep into the bush for your next camping trip. How are you gonna keep her clean and pretty through all these trials?

Luckily at MRT we are canopy experts and have the know how to keep your ute canopy in tip top shape.  Whether you have gone for the standard aluminium finish or have upgraded to the powder coating finish, these tips will help you keep your canopy looking slick.

Powder Coating Your Ute Canopy

Powder coating is one of the most durable colour techniques available, Without much effort on your part it will stay clean and polished for many years to come.  To extend the life of powder coated articles, a simple cleaning and maintenance program should be implemented.

Environmental Effects On Your Ute Canopy

The effects of ultraviolet light, atmospheric pollution, dirt, grime and airborne salt deposits can all accumulate over time and should be removed at regular intervals. This is just as simple as making sure to rinse and wash your canopy when you take her off road or down to the beach. Even if you’re not travelling far make sure to give her a quick spray every now and then to dislodge any build up. As well as giving a general rinse every now and then it is best to give a good look over every few months. For this bigger clean follow these basic steps.

  • Remove loose surface deposits with a wet cloth or sponge.
  • Use a soft brush and a diluted solution of mild detergent and water to remove dust, salt and other deposits.
  • Ensure you thoroughly rinse the surfaces with clean fresh water after cleaning to remove all residues.

These tips for cleaning should be followed whether you have a powder coated canopy or the regular finish.

Consider Leaving Your Canopy Undercover To Keep It Out Of Bad Weather

Covering your ute canopy when you are not using it will help it to retain its appearance longer and structural integrity longer. Consider parking in a garage or under any kind of cover when you are not using it. Another idea is to purchase a large tarp to cover the canopy when you are parked. These methods will reduce the amount of debris that lands upon the aluminium surface, minimising the frequency of cleaning sessions you will need to do as a result and maintaining your canopies look for longer.

What Not To Do

There are some things that you should definitely not do when cleaning and maintaining your aluminium canopy. Just because an aluminium canopy looks shiny and clean does not mean it has been cleaned the proper way. Some strong chemical products that will leave your canopy looking clean but after time will wear away at the finish and coating and eventually lead to the trailer rusting and breakdown prematurely.

Another range of products out there that even professionals use, without realising the harm they’re doing to the aluminium and the longevity of the canopy. There is a common trailer wash product called “acid wash”. This product will initially leave your canopy sparkling clean as it is very strong and corrosive. The harsh solution will gradually cause serious damage corroding into the aluminium year over year. It’s something we see often with returning customers who don’t take the time to research how to look after their canopies.

Although aluminium trailers and canopies don’t rust they can oxidise, or develop a dull, yellowish layer that needs to be cleaned off regularly. Make sure you are doing this in a way that is not too harsh on the finish. Like we mentioned above just use general detergent and water, there is no need to use very harsh products.

If you need more information on how to maintain and look after your aluminium ute canopy make sure to get in touch with our helpful team at MRT, you can get in touch in store, online or over the phone.


Our friendly and experienced team of professionals are ready and waiting to answer any further questions you have in regard to MRT products and services. Call us on 1300 650 090 today. We encourage all to visit one of our Brisbane, Sydney or Perth showrooms and check out our latest products and team updates on Facebook and Instagram.



14 Dixon Street, Yatala, QLD 4207, Australia
Phone: 07 34622300



29 Discovery Dr, Bibra Lake, Western Australia 6163, Australia
Phone: 08 61462543



1/27 Williamson Rd, Ingleburn, New South Wales 2565, Australia
Phone: 02 81035306

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